I will make your customized desktop application using different python modules for GUI-building, text-anaylizing, image-adaptions and many more usecases
Parse Html-File in Application (s)
Select html-file and xlsx-file and parse the data and output the data using pyqt-frontend
Used Modules:
pyqt5, selenium, bs4, xlwings
Enter participants in App (s)
Enter a variable number of participants in an application and upload the created file to a server
Used Modules:
Get LinkedIn-Adds and score them using AI (s)
Find linkedin adds for and check how good this fit to a specific resume using a score
Used Modules:
selenium, bs4, xlwings, scrapeops.io
Automate Document Prints (s)
Check a specific folder, copy all the files to a Done-Folder and print out the document to the default printer
Used Modules:
os, sys
WebApp for Recruiting (s)
WebApp for inputing candidates which will be transfered to a google-sheet, with a logic for several defined process steps
Used Modules:
django, gspread, pythonanywhere
Download CSVs from betfair.com (s)
Download csv-files with betting-informations from betfair.com and provide them in a folder-structure
Used Modules:
xlwings, requests
News Articles NewYork (s)
Search for news articles for Streeterville and NewYork and update an excel-sheet
Used Modules:
xlwings, requests, valueserp, dotenv
Check free slots for driving tests (s)
Check the online-site for free time-slots for driving tests and create a signal
Used Modules:
xlwings, requests, buyproxies
Parse Outlook msg-Files (s)
Read information from outlook msg-files and put the per column in an excel-sheet
Used Modules:
xlwings, extract_msg
YouTube Transcript Creator (s)
Get transcripts for several videos of a youtube-channel and output as transcripts
Used Modules:
youtube_transcript_api, xlwings
Django OpenAI Webapp
Django WebApp with selecting files, working with openai and sending email
Used Modules:
django, openai, smtp
Keystroke Program Restart
Check keystrokes and restart a program in hidden mode or not
Used Modules:
pynput, subprocess
Automate Powerpoint
Replace placeholders in a Powerpoint Document using the parameters from an xlsx
Used Modules:
xlwings, python-pptx
Copyright Search & Check
Read image-links and check if there are copyright violations in the internet. Show this violations as links to the page.
Used Modules:
requests, serpapi, PIL, imagehash, xlwings
Read Main Text
Read the main text of any webpage and output the data in an excel-sheet. Links are provided in the excel-sheet and the output in an additional column.
Used Modules:
trafilatura, xlwings
Ask.com – Search For Links
Read links and search with them on ask.com, translate them from any language to english and store the informatino in excel. Executeable for MacOs.
Used Modules:
requests, bs4, deep_translator, xlwings
Read Football Statistics
Read football-statistics from a ms-access-db and provide the data in an excel-sheet. Select several parameters before the program run like leagaue coffeeAndBeer date-range
Used Modules:
pyodbc, xlwings
Create Lottery Combinatons
Create all possible combinatons for a lottery with 70 numbers and 5 number per row – write the 11Mio rows in a csv
Used Modules:
csv, itertools
Count Words
Input: searchwords and textfiles – Output: Count every searchword in the textfiles, the domain ending and output the results in excel
Used Modules:
xlwings, urllib
Get Language
Read the text for given urls in an excel and detect the language of the website, output the results in excel
Used Modules:
trafilatura, xlwings, selenium, detectlanguage
Parse Contracts
Parse contract-informations, and build a summary overview, input percentages for every employee and detailed contract informations
Used Modules:
Create Provisions
Read persons and provisions and build the output according to the titles, create a summary docx for every person
Used Modules:
xlwings, docx
B2B Platform
Collect data for companies with searchwords as input and find emails additonal. Input will be the link to search – Output in excel
Used Modules:
selenium, bs4, xlwings, valueserp, emailfinder
Check URL GoogleMaps
Check findings for urls on google maps and output fouund link, full address, category, rating, review, city, country, etc.
Used Modules:
selenium, bs4, xlwings, fake_useragent
Check Machine Downtimes
Run the program every few minute and check machine downtimes, register special downtimes and get an hourly statistics output
Used Modules:
Social Career
Get name+company and find linkedin-profile with title
Used Modules:
requests, valueserp, xlwings
Create Working Plan
Create a working plan for creating beds and other furniture – select article, parameterize the step and create a working plan including pictures for the individual steps
Used Modules:
Automate Mail Attachments
Read excel-attachements from emails, change the excel-sheet and upload it to a ftp-server
Used Modules:
email, imap_tools, ftplib, xlwings, dotenv
Check New Adds And Alert
Check for new adds and send email with the new links and running the program in the cloud
Used Modules:
selenium, bs4, email, progress, pythonanywhere
Add Summarization With OpenAI / ChatGPT
Add summarization for longer text and update the files
Used Modules:
openai, dotenv, xlwings
Upload to sftp-Server (s)
Download csv from website and upload on sftp-server
Used Modules:
selenium, bs4, pysftp