With this program you keep track of your stocks and keep informed of every trend change. You can choose from over 80 trend signals – which are automatically checked at any time!
Key Features
- Keep track of all your stocks at a glance!
- Choose every stock ticker from eg. Yahoo Finance – tested with over 10.000 tickers
- Get an up to date overview with many measures (Day Low, Day High, Volume, Avg Volume, Market Cap, Circulating Suplly, 52 weeks bandwidth, …)
- Check signals for consolidation, breaking out and many moving average indicators
- Check over 60 trend patterns like Doji, High Wave Candle, Hikkake, Hanging Man, Spinning Top, …)
- Check the patterns for daily data from the last year and also intraday from the last day
- Optional email-alert – you can customize in which signals your are interested
- Parameters for day and percent customization for the consolidation and breaking out signals
- Detailed How-To Description in the Excel and ReadMe-File with FAQ
- Fully free version to test (full functionality – only restricted to a number of checks per day)